Saturday, December 31, 2005

Corporal Jonathan K. Clarke USMC: Someone You Should Know

Michael Fay gives the story of a man who has made his job - checking ID's at the lunch hall to prevent a suicide bomber from getting in - a real morale booster for everyone he checks. Some people improve the lives of everyone they meet. God Bless Corporal Clarke.

Hat Tip to Blackfive, for the "Someone You Should Know" meme. Don't miss Lance Corporal Pascal Cisse, USMC, either.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Miserable Donuts: An Army Broken?

Major John Tammes says that Representative Murtha is exaggerating the intelligence:
As anyone who has read this blog knows, The Inner Prop and I served in Operation Enduring Freedom V (Afghanistan, March 2004-March 2005). We stood at the end of the longest sustained supply line in the history of human conflict. We were in war-torn Central Asia. Af-frickin'-ghanistan. We had decent food, e-mail, phone (OK, sometimes they weren't always working, but almost all the time) excellent medical support, good pay, regular (if slow) mail. We had a PXs at most of the larger bases, and coffee places sprang up too. We had so damned much ammunition that we needed to build a bigger ammunition supply point at Bagram, AF. We had so many vehicles that we were constantly squabbling over where to put them all - and we had enough up-armored ones too. Our supply warehouses were stuffed with clothing, boots, body armor and the like. "Living hand to mouth" is the worst lie of the bunch.
Murtha has a reasonable worry - that the Army will suffer in Iraq as it suffered in Vietnam. But worries aren't realities.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Another Soldier's Plea

He says, basically, that we should listen to an honest man, George Bush. Best lines:
It’s sad that so many Iraqis and others are dying over here. However, when you discover you have cancer the treatment is always the same - attack it at the source. You don’t wait for it to spread. And when is the last time you heard a doctor putting a limited timetable on cancer therapy? I can picture it in my mind. “Mr. Smith, we have seen some progress with your tumor. It’s shrinking. But we need to move on now. The timetable for treating you has passed. Good luck.”
Via Instapundit. (Who else?)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thanks, Joe!

I forgot to be thankful for Joe Lieberman last Thursday. But I am thankful. Mr. Lieberman gives me hope for my old party.

Via Instapundit (along with half of everything I post, I expect).

Monday, November 28, 2005

So I'm Not Alone

The Washington Post notes these poll results, which show most people apparently have the same opinion of Democratic Congressional leaders that I do. First quote:
Seventy percent of people surveyed said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale -- with 44 percent saying morale is hurt "a lot," according to a poll taken by RT Strategies. Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale.
Second quote:
Their poll also indicates many Americans are skeptical of Democratic complaints about the war. Just three of 10 adults accept that Democrats are leveling criticism because they believe this will help U.S. efforts in Iraq. A majority believes the motive is really to "gain a partisan political advantage."
Of course they are polls, so they are only slightly more accurate than the weatherman and slightly less accurate than military intelligence, and public opinion changes almost as fast as the weather....

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A Clinton Appointee Remembered

Gee, maybe the Democrats have forgotten Clinton Appointee Kenneth M. Pollack. Well, the Brother's Judd haven't. And the case Pollack made for deposing Saddam was good then, and it's still good.

Gun Vault, Safe to Armed in Seconds! - Products

Got a Mini GunVault for myself for Christmas. It's on sale for eighty bucks at Cabelas until 4 December. Now I just have to figure out where and how to mount it. Well, and I need to wrap it, of course.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Arabia Steamboat Museum

The most amazing attraction in Kansas City is a celebration of the pioneering values of adventure, entrepreneurship and the can do spirit. The Wince family took a pair of Mrs. Wince's cousins and their families yesterday to see the Arabia Steamboat Museum. (Aside: Isn't it cool when two brothers marry two sisters?) The Steamboat Arabia was a floating ante-bellum Wal-Mart. It hit a sang in the muddy Missouri on the way to big supplies to pioneers in Nebraska and sank. 132 years later a group of men in search of buried treasure dug it up with no government money and they are sharing these incredible finds with only private support. See what shopping was like in 1856!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Democrats Despise! Iraqi Hopes They Minimize!

Well, clearly my slogans need work. You say we are losing? I don't know who this "we" is. Our troops say they are winning the war and are proud of their efforts. I'm not winning or losing the war, I'm working on billing software. If you are losing the war, stop it! (Wink.) If on the other hand, you are saying our troops are losing the war, well, you aren't over there, they are. I trust them. Stop criticizing the people who are fighting and dying. It would be different if they also thought they were losing. Then you could criticize the Administration and say the Administration was losing the war. But since the troops don't agree, I just will not accept that. Here's what I'll accept: You believe the Administration should be winning faster or cheaper or better. But not that "we" are losing.


The American Enterprise gives nine Urban Legends About the Iraq War.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pray for The Weary Warriors

It seems Kurt Vonnegut is feeling down. We need to respect our old warriors, weary of war, especially when we disagree with them. Pray for Kurt Vonnegut, John Murtha, John Kerry and any other old warrior who is tired of war.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Opposite of SGT Walter J. Rausch

Here is a person, Professor John Daly, unlike SGT Walter J. Rausch, who should be fired, just because he reflects so poorly on his employer, Warren Community College. Do our institutions of higher learning know how disgusting they appear by defending people like Daly? In his email, Daly denies the 100 million killed in the Communist Holocaust. That's right, Daly is no different from a Holocaust denier. Communist sympathizers are no different, morally, than Nazi sympathizers. This isn't surprising, since Nazism is Communism's younger, less murderous, but more bigoted brother. So, does Warren Community College also employ Holocaust denying Nazi sympathizers as a sop to academic freedom? I doubt it.

Via the Gun Guy.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

This Is A War For Freedom

Perhaps the Iraq War is not a war for freedom to you. But it is for this sergeant. Arguably, that gives him more moral authority than Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandi. How so? They were fighting for their own freedom, and the freedom of their own people. This sergeant is fighting for freedom not just for someone else, but for another people. Think about what surrender will do to this young man and those, like me, who support his desire to fight, win, and achieve his noble purpose.

Friday, November 18, 2005

An Argument Against Too Much Federalism

In this post I argued for federalism. I'm still not sure what Breyer would say against my arguments, but based on what I've read so far, he might say that pushing too much power down to small electoral bodies exposes them to the problem of factionalism. Representation over large groups of people dilutes factionalism by making a representative beholden to a wide variety of special interests, whereas a smaller district can easily be captured by a particular special interest group. This is a good argument. One way to solve the problem is by random appointments, like we do for juries. Ancient Athens had many randomly selected positions. Frank Herbert believed that many of our political decisions should be subject to jury review. Now that's active democracy!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bend It

I just realized I have a new favorite movie, Bend It Like Beckham. And every time I watch it I end up with the most wonderful music running through my brain.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Active Liberty, Obtained

I got Active Liberty : Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution, Stephen Breyer's new book, from the library and started reading it. Breyer believes he should interpret the Constitution in ways which promote active citizen participation in our democracy. Good thesis. I'm all for it. I will be interested to find out how he supports it. I have to wonder why he isn't more of a Federalist, though. The less power in Washington and the more at the statehouse the easier and more effective my democratic participation will be. In fact less power in the statehouse and more power at the county, city and even school board levels the more power I have. One school board per school is good, too.

When the Constitution was drafted, the entire population of our Republic was less than some cities today. Lot's of place were governed by town meetings, where everyone, not just a few aldermen, got to vote. I'd say that means we need even less power in Washington, not more.

What Does Losing Mean?

When will Congress and the President take the War against Islamic Fascism seriously?

This article, by an unknown author, not Major General Vernon Chong, describes the price of losing. The price of losing this war is no less than the price of losing the Cold War and being ruled by totalitarian Communists. Most Communists believed in communal living. And we all know that most people who lived in communes were peaceful. The price of losing this war is no less than the price of losing World War II and being ruled by totalitarian Fascists. Most Fascists were Christians. Isn't Christ the Prince of Peace? Aren't most Christians peaceful people? Of course Hitler, master of a Christian nation, murdered slightly more Christians than Jews. And Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot killed more of their own people than of us. And the Islamic Fascists are killing more of their own people, too.

Hitler, with a tiny fraction of the world's Christians behind him, plunged the world into chaos and murdered fourteen million people. Do we really want a tiny fraction of the world's Muslims to do the same? Let's fight little wars now, not big wars later. And let's not lose.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Spooky DogI guess with dogs it's green eye reduction. She sure is cute, huh?

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Real Story About The War

TigerHawk revisits and updates Den Beste's strategic overview of the War on Terror. These were the reasons I favored the campaign in Iraq before it started, and I still do. My biggest fear was that Bush would go to the U.N. and get talked out of it. I shouldn't have worried.

No More Breezes

The Geek With A .45 muses about architectural adjustments.

Fish Cookies

Fish CookiesMy Dad, who likes to fish, turned seventy-five over the weekend. Mrs. Wince made fish cookies and my girls helped, especially with the decoration. Tasty and easy on the eyes. And the same for the cookies.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Keep Raking Lads! They're Gaining On Us!

Leafy lawn Last Saturday I raked all my leaves. Can you tell? Last year I ignored the leaves in the street too long, and the bottom layer turned to mud. It's wonderful to have such beautiful trees along our street. Even in the winter they stand majestic with the cold light filtering through their many branches, squirrel nests exposed for all to see.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

More Government Spending Less Happiness

Juan Non-Volokh links a study by three Swiss economists which found that people are less happy when their government spends more. I don't know if it is true, but I have observed that American conservatives are less happy when their government spends more.

Friday, November 11, 2005

What is the Arm of Decision in the War on Terror?

Steven Green thinks that he knows where victory will be won or lost in the War on Terror. He says Bush doesn't know. He says Congress doesn't know. He says our public thinkers don't know. He says the media knows - but they don't want you to find out. I'm not sure. Does the Media know they are losing the war?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fooling Yourself About Bush

People fool themselves all the time. I fool myself all the time. For example, I fool myself about how much I'll get done each day. And I fool myself about how easy it will be to get up in the morning every night before I go to sleep. If you think Bush either lied or exaggerated the Iraqi threat you are fooling yourself. Norman Podhoretz examines the mountain of evidence.

Via Rand Simberg.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Righteous Rudy #2

Today I wish Rudy would require Shamim Siddiqi of Flushing, Queens to annually sail a New York garbage scow to the Carolinas, until he can make the connection between the garbage in his head, and the garbage on the scow, remove the former, and consign it to the latter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Righteous Rudy #1

Ten years ago, Rudy Giuliani kicked Arafat out of the Lincoln Center. In what I hope will be a lighthearted continuing series, I will be nominating more individuals for attention by Rudy.

Today, I wish Rudy would forbid FAMS spokesman Dave Adams from visiting the concession stands at Yankee Stadium. No bratwurst for you, Dave!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rudy Giuliani Is Looking Even Better

I didn't know about the time he kicked Arafat out of the Lincoln Center. Maybe if he becomes President he can kick Mugabe out of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. That would be sweet.

Rosa Parks Has Gone To Heaven

I hope Peter has delegated the task of leading her to her mansion to the white man who asked her to give up her seat after he volunteered.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Translation Theory of Constitutional Interpretation

Lawrence Lessig describes (in 103 pages) a theory for interpreting the Constitution: Fidelity In Translation (PDF). I've just read the first few pages, but it is an interesting idea.

Lessig points out that we have changed the way we read the Constitution. Yet he also points out that sometimes following an underlying principle means doing things differently:
For we all know that sometimes fidelity to an original meaning requires doing something different, and that, in those cases, doing the same thing done before would be to change the meaning of what was done before. Take a simple example to make the point: If a diplomat is ordered to “be polite” while in Iraq (where belching after eating signals approval) and belches loudly at the end of her meal, it would not be fidelity to her order to belch loudly at the end of her next meal with the British Monarch, even though (in an importantly impolite sense) she would have done the same thing as before. Change here—bowing rather than belching—is fidelity. We all know that this diplomat must do something different in Britain if she is to do the same thing as in Iraq. She must change her act to remain faithful to the original command—not to change her act would be to manifest infidelity.
I look forward to reading the whole thing.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Durbin Should Have Waited For The Facts

Dick Durbin should have waited for the facts before he popped-off about the American military. See, Dick, the American military is on our side. You are supposed to give the military the benefit of the doubt, not the detainees.
More interesting is what is not in the report. Schmidt and Furlow found no substantiation for Sen. Richard Durbin's allegation that terror suspects were chained for hours and forced to defecate on themselves, nor that Gitmo interrogators kept their prisoners in hot or cold rooms, two claims he made on the Senate floor. They also found no verification that the military denied prisoners food or medical necessities, a favorite charge of the Left.
Congratulations, Dick. Unlike thoughtful, measured Senators, like Brownback or Lieberman, you have earned a reputation of thoughtlessness. When you are quoted I'll think something like this: "Hmmm, Durbin. Not a careful thinker. Likes to throw tainted red-meat to his base. I'll wait till I hear from someone I can trust."

Thursday, July 07, 2005

United We Stand

Ara Rubyan is right. The leaders of this country must unite against terror. But in a democracy the voters are the leaders. With that in mind, I apologize for comments I have made which are divisive and I invite anyone to call me out, both for past, present and future behavior. The one mind I can be sure of changing is my own.

Would Welfare Reform Work for Africa?

This African economist thinks so. Africa doesn't need aid. It needs capitalism.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Grandkids, Tradition and the Good Life

Lee Harris explains the proper function of tradition, demonstrates how it has made life better, and how it will continue to do so.

This is great stuff, so go read it.

Via somebody I don't remember, darn it!

Friday, May 20, 2005

I Want A New Tax

I want a new tax controlled by the Fed. It could even be several taxes: like a small property mill levy, a 0 to 5% progressive income tax, a 0 to 5% capital gains tax and a 0 to 1% sales tax. When the economy heats up, instead of raising rates and making our deficit worse by paying more interest on the debt, which I'm very tired of, the Fed temporarily raises taxes a little. And it doesn't give my former party an excuse to raise taxes, increase spending and then never cut taxes. When the economy cools off, instead of it being an excuse for my fellow Republicans to cut taxes but not spending and then never raise taxes, the Fed cuts them temporarily.

Each of these taxes shouldn't give Greenspan too much room, but enough to help the economy.

Friday, April 29, 2005

The Volokh Conspiracy - House Passes Abortion Bill:

Orin Kerr wants to know whether the House bill prohibiting transport of a minor across state lines to avoid parental consent and notification laws is constitutional. He may delete my comment, which follows, as not germane since it does not reflect current Supreme Court jurisprudence.
I am not a lawyer, but I have been reading Restoring the Lost Constitution, so maybe I qualify. Here is my attempt to divine original meaning. This bill does not pass Commerce Clause muster, since abortions are not a trading (original meaning of commercial) activity, they are a medical service, and the Commerce Clause only allows Congress to regulate (original meaning is make regular) activity, not prohibit it. But this bill is justified under the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments, and since it is designed to protect our rights, it is both necessary and proper. The right to raise one's child as one sees fit is clearly covered under the Ninth Amendment, and the Ninth Amendment, as written, applies to both Federal and State governments. The Fourteenth Amendment authorizes Congress to write laws protecting the rights protected by the Ninth Amendment. I would say the Constitution authorizes States have a parental notification and consent law as well, to protect their Ninth Amendment rights.

I will specify that this is not Supreme Court jurisprudence, it is Randy Barnett inspired analysis. The undue burden and health and privacy issues could doom this law, even under such inspired analysis, since the rights to health and privacy must be balanced against parental rights as well as the residual right of the baby. If I understand the commentary I've read, the Court does recognize the rights of the baby, but does not consider them significant enough to protect.
I hope he does not delete it. My dream is that Randy will comment, and perhaps even agree. Ah, the eternal quest for ego gratification.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I Used To Like Jimmy Carter As A President

I still like him as a man. But, in hindsight, his response to the hostage crisis was completely feckless, and must be considered a root cause of the 9/11 attacks. Full Disclosure Time: A group of college friends and I got together and sent Khomeini a pocket Koran with a can't we all be friends letter. What a yutz I was!

Via Mary Madigan, at Dean's World.

Sometimes bloggers meet...

The Read this.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Get Gmail

This service allows you to get a Gmail invite, and it works.

Loving Your (Political) Enemies

David Frum shows his love for Andrea Dworkin. He's a better man than I, and he makes some very good points.

At Least One Inupiat Eskimo Wants ANWR Developed

Tara Sweeney Don't take my word for it. Read Tara Sweeney's speech. She says 75% of Native Alaskans want the land they own to be developed. Does this mean those who want to keep ANWR from being developed are racists?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

John Kerry Is Still Dishonoring The Troops

John Kerry is fishing for soldier as victim stories. Sorry, Senator. You honor our troops by telling stories of them as heroes, not by painting them as victims. Considering your past and your unwillingness to repudiate your consistent anti-military stance, perhaps you should give up on National Security issues.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Real Cuba

Go visit The Real Cuba. BTW, their health care system looks horrible.

Via Kim du Toit.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Hydrogen From My Roof?

Tim Worstall says that we'll all be getting power from our roofs in less than twenty years. He says sun shine plus water and titanium oxide equals hydrogen and oxygen, and hydrogen and oxygen plus a scandium oxide fuel cell equals electricity.

Sounds good to me.

Via Deinonychus antirrhopus.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Don't Fight A Democracy!

R. J. Rummel has some fascinating stats on war. the 19th Century democracies won 76 percent of the wars they fought, while monarchies won 43 and dictators 42 percent. In the 20th Century, the percentages are respectively, 54, 37, and 33.
Via Dean.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Hi, I'm Wince and I'm an internet junkie. Staying off the internet, including blogging, over the past six weeks has greatly improved my life. So I'm going to stay off it and do other things. You all have been very good to me and thank you.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Proposed Amendment

Karl Spence wrote the following to me in an email:
How about an amendment that reads like this:

The Judiciary of the United States shall not presume to exercise nonjudicial power.

The sense in which this Constitution was accepted and ratified by the nation shall be the guide in expounding it. Its provisions are neither to be restricted into insignificance nor extended beyond the natural and obvious meaning contemplated by the plain understanding of the people at the time of its adoption. Any faults it may contain are to be corrected by amendment as prescribed in Article V, not by usurpation.

Disregard of these principles is cause for impeachment.

If any of those phrases sound familiar, it's because they're lifted from the writings of John Marshall, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and George Washington.

The amendment would need additional sections to ratify those changes the courts made for us that we should have made for ourselves (e.g., the overthrow of Jim Crow), and --- if it is to have a chance of success --- to give proper constitutional authority to a great deal of the functions the federal government is now performing (Social Security, Medicare, the Federal Reserve, national parks, disaster relief, etc., etc., etc.). Devising it and getting past the furious opposition of today's legal establishment would be a lot of trouble. But at the end of the day, we'd have the advantage of practicing actual self-government, instead of bowing to the dictates of a judicial elite whose interpretations of the Constitution bear less and less relation to its original, true, ratified meaning.
I like it. What do you think? You can also email Karl yourself.

Does HIV Cause AIDS?

Dr. Harvey Bialy discusses this with us in Dean's World. Sample idea: Out of more than 250 chimpanzees who have been infected with HIV since 1980, only one has gotten AIDS. Chimpanzees are our closest genetic relative, and this is the only disease we know of which has behaved thus. Doesn't that fact deserve investigation?

An Unwitting School Tyrant

Kim du Toit argues persuasively against a man who would force his views upon my children. Were you to succeed, Professor Apple, you would only force my family to flee beyond your reach. Your intentions are benevolent, I grant you, but like all who would impose your views upon free men, you must be opposed. In the end, you, sir, intend to be a dictator, a petty, harmful tyrant. I'm sure you will work within the system, like Caesar, but in the end your desire is the same: to impose your views upon us all.

Some Compassion From Our President

I have a sister who is so profoundly intellectually disabled that she cannot chew her food or sit up without assistance. The only reason she has lived this long is that my parents have cared for her to this day, just over forty-two years after her birth. The initiative Rich Lowry describes will not help her, but it will help the many intellectually disabled folks who can work. I've known many such people like this. They are hard, willing workers, who only want to live as normal a life as possible. Jeb Bush is an enthusiastic backer of this program, which is designed to enable more intellectually disabled people to enjoy the dignity of work. Hooray for the Bush family!

Bring Back The Constitution

We discuss who wants to restore which parts of the Constitution on the lawyer dominated group blog called The Volokh Conspiracy.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Can a 911 Hang-Up Provide Probable Cause?

Matt Rustler and friends discuss a case.

The Third for StoryMaker

My duaghters are crazy for Petz . And Petz is significantly better suited for children than Sims, I figure.