Sunday, July 27, 2003

A Running Back Who Can Write

Joe Posnanski tips us off on a Pro-Bowl running back's blog. Actually it is Priest Holmes's training camp diary. And Priest can write! Here's Joe's article. Joe thinks Priest can write too:
Only, with Priest Holmes it's different. His diaries (available at his charity Web site, are little stories. He tells about the daily race he has with Marvin "Snoop" Minnis to get to the hot tub. He writes about the agony of the 5 a.m. wakeup call for drug testing. He explains how he feels when his mood goes dark, and he just needs to be left alone.

He writes about the awful feeling of waking up at training camp.

"It is then that I feel pain lingering in my body. I lift my legs out of the bed, and my hamstrings feel so tight they could snap. As my feet touch the cold floor, my ankles feel brittle, and my legs are heavy. My forehead throbs from squeezing it into my helmet for the first time in months.

"My body hurts, and I try to keep focused on the next time I will be able to lay down again and not on the fact that I have to practice for five hours. All of this is going on, yet I can't stop.... There is no turning back."

What did I tell you? The man can write. You know what? This is easy. I should just let him write the column. Then, Priest's writing shouldn't surprise anyone. There isn't much Priest Holmes can't do.