Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Teacher Defends Stunningly Bad Judgement

I am a not defender of yours, you, the Professor who cried kill. As noted below, I think you would benefit from a couple of days in the county lockup. Not as a punishment, but so you could learn a real civics lesson. Some people think they really benefited from their encounters with the criminal justice system. Did you know that if you throw cheese at your spouse in the state of Kansas and someone calls 911, you will be locked up? Discharging a firearm within the city limits (except at a shooting range) is also a good one. If you then contemplate what it is like to lose your spouse, your kids, your family, even for just a short time, you will decide that if you are going to go to jail it won't be because you lost control again. There you go, Professor. Did we enjoy this mental exercise? I am glad you brought this up. I think I learned something. It might be to not cheat on my taxes. They lock you up for that too. Or maybe it was to not threaten the president. Isn't fear useful? It makes us recognize when something carries risk, especially unexceptable risk. Why didn't you listen to your fear? Why didn't you teach your students to listen to their fear? Why did you teach them that they shouldn't have to be afraid, since fear is so useful?

Thanks to the Web.Kafe for pointing me to the Daily Pundit. Read the comments there.

Was my opening paragraph needlessly mean? I tried not to make my opening paragraph needlessly mean. Did I fail? Were the comments needlessly mean? It depends on our purpose. If we want to vent our spleens, then the comments were just right. If we want to have a discussion with Professor Ballou where both sides learn something then they were needlessly mean. Rants and insults do not promote the safety required for productive discussion.

Think you can't learn anything from Professor Ballou? Maybe you can learn to convincingly debate a liberal. Most people only know how to preach to the choir. At the least you can know your (political) enemy. Sun Tzu thought that was a good thing.

The Web.Kafe also pointed me to Emily at Give War a Chance. Same subject. Thanks, Mark.